CREW RESPONSIBILITIES Crew members are responsible for their own backstage “blacks” and personal flashlights. STAGE MANAGER Responsibilities include: 1. understanding the principles of Stage Management by Lawrence Stern; 2. ensuring that the overall production process runs smoothly, seeing that each job is done with a minimum of fuss; 3. thinking ahead with detailed documentation of the production process; master schedule, calendar, to-do- lists, duty rosters, prompt script, and check lists; 4. maintaining an on-going list during rehearsals for production meetings (i.e. props added or deleted or questions for the Technical Director or Designers). Deadlines, Prior to the First Rehearsal: 1. reading the Lawrence Stern text and developing a clear understanding of the responsibilities of the Stage Manager (Chapters 1-5; 8-10; and 12-15); 2. assembling Prompt Book; 3. developing a clear understanding of the play and all technical elements (i.e. characters, props, sound cues, scene breakdown, etc.). The Prompt Book includes the following: 1. all notations for lighting and sound cues; 2. blocking notations; 3. technical schedules; 4. rehearsal schedules; 5. sound plot; 6. light plot; 7. ground plan; 8. company list; and 9. pre-show duty list. Assembly of the Prompt Book: 1. make tabs for each scene (if appropriate) for quick referral and tab such information as cast list, expenses, props, schedules, sets, etc.; 2. make a legend (key) for all notations; 3. for every light, sound, and special effect, use a ruler and light pencil. Draw a horizontal line closest to the line of dialogue preceding a verbal cue or under the description of a visual cue. The line should cross the entire Prompt Book page so you can see it easily during rehearsals; and 4. preceding the line by half-a-page, draw a horizontal line marked “WARN LIGHTS” and “WARN SOUND.” a. in the case of two light cues and a sound cue in tight sequence, you need to put in only one “WARN” line before the sequence but it should be marked “WARN LIGHT/SOUND SERIES”; and b. since changes may occur, use a pencil only. Role with Actors: 1. to support the actors; 2. to organize things efficiently so the actors can get the maximum benefit from the rehearsal time; and 3. the Stage Manager runs the show in performance; a. out of respect for the Stage Manager’s function, the actor should always yield to them; and b. the actor should obey directives given by the Stage Manager.