2018 Spring EH Courses

THE ENGLISH CAPSTONE EH 470: Senior Seminar Ashe, MW 11:00-12:20 Students should select a topic during the fall term and discuss it with Prof. Ashe. Other English Faculty Offerings CL 211: Mythology (IA) McInturff, TTH 2:00-3:20 Classical mythology surveys the central myths and narratives of the ancient Greeks and Romans. We begin with an analytical introduction to the origins of mythology in the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras. The course then reviews the system of the Olympian deities with some attention to other mythological divinities and powers. The second half of the course explores through various interpretations many of the foundational narratives and dramas of the classical world. We encounter the Trojan War and the return of Odysseus, the sufferings of Oedipus, the wanderings of Jason, and the founding of Rome among many other tales. One of our central tasks is to locate the mythical in the world of art and literature and culture that continues to be a vital part of today’s world. IDS 200: Introduction to Human Rights (CI) (GP) Sprayberry, TTH 8:00-9:20 A critical examination of human rights concepts and their practical applications from the perspective of a variety of disciplines in the humanities and social sciences (a Leadership Studies designated course). Prerequisite: at least sophomore standing. In the Explorations curriculum, this course has been designated as both a CI and GP course, but students completing the course will receive only one of the two designations towards their general education requirements. HRC 300: Colloquium on Human Rights Sprayberry, TH 3:30-4:20 A capstone experience for the minor in human rights and conflict studies. For this project, students in the minor come together, under the guidance of a faculty member (or members) to share their various perspectives on human rights and create (individually or communally) a final product, which can take several possible forms, such as an integrative essay, performance, or community action plan. Prerequisite: completion of the area requirements for the HRC minor, the fifth course may be taken concurrently.