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Birmingham-Southern College offers students opportunities to
enhance their foreign language proficiency and cultural knowledge through
coursework in other discipline areas. The Foreign Language Across the
Curriculum program adds a foreign language component to courses in a
variety of fields. Students taking these courses as FLAC courses receive an
additional ¼ unit of credit in the foreign language. Such courses allow
students to make sophisticated use of language skills, provide greater
flexibility in foreign language study (beyond the traditional language
classroom), and demonstrate the degree to which language influences
ideas. Students in the program develop a keener cultural awareness and
language skills necessary to participate more fully in today’s shrinking,
interdependent world.
Students must register for the disciplinary content course and for the
FLAC component (language courses numbered 333) during the same term.
Exceptions are students who have already had the disciplinary content
course; these students may register for the FLAC component any time it is
offered. Students taking the FLAC component do additional readings in
the foreign language and meet with the foreign language professor and,
possibly, the discipline professor one hour per week for discussion of those
Students receive ¼ unit credit in the appropriate foreign language in
addition to the unit credit for the disciplinary content course. If a student
takes four FLAC components in the same foreign language, that resulting
one unit of credit can be applied to a major or minor in that language. The
minimum language level eligibility for the program is completion of the
third semester course and consent.