Page 11 - 2012 Policies Manual_draft 1

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Policy Format
1. Header:
Title: Subject covered by the policy.
Policy Abstract: One-paragraph overview of the document.
Responsible Office: Office responsible for developing, distributing, monitoring, and
ensuring the effectiveness of the policy and recommending revisions.
Official: Member of President’s Council to whom the Responsible Office reports.
Contact(s): Name, campus phone number, and email address of contact person within
the Responsible Office.
Applies To: The group(s) covered, such as students, faculty, faculty and staff, etc.
Effective Date: Date the policy becomes operational.
Revision Dates: Dates of all past revisions to the policy.
2. Introduction/Background
Brief discussion of the need for the policy, relevant history, etc.
3. Purpose
Statement of the rationale for the policy.
4. Applicable Regulations
List of regulations (federal, state, SACS, other) the policy addresses.
5. Policy Statement
Concise statement of the principles which form the basis of the policy.
6. Details
Discussion of the process that will be used to monitor compliance with the policy; process
by which non-compliance will be reported and addressed; how the effectiveness of the
policy will be assessed; and other relevant details.
7. Definitions
Definitions of critical terms used in the policy.
8. References
A list of related documents, if applicable.