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BA 311 Quantitative Analysis for Business and Economics (1)
Selected methods and techniques related to managerial choice and
administrative decision making. (Also listed as EC 311.) Prerequisites:
BA 201 and MA 207. Fall, Spring.
BA 320 Management Principles and Organizational Behavior (1)
A study of the nature and problems of planning, organizing, staffing,
directing, and controlling organizations. Prerequisite: BA 201. Fall,
BA 350 Principles of Marketing (1)
A survey course of marketing as an exchange process. Consideration
is given to product development as well as to how transactions in the
marketplace are initiated, motivated, facilitated, and consummated by
both business and nonbusiness organizations. Prerequisite: BA 201.
Fall, Spring.
BA 363 Legal Environment of International Business (1)
An examination of selected topics of the international legal
environment as applied to businesses as they operate domestically
and internationally. Emphasis will be on U.S. laws. The impact
and interaction of foreign laws on U.S. businesses will be included.
Prerequisites: BA 201 and at least one year of college coursework. Fall,
BA 372 Principles of Finance (1)
An introductory course in the principles of financial analysis directed
at developing the tools necessary for sound financial decision making.
Major topics include an overview of the financial environment,
valuation, financial forecasting, and capital budgeting. Lab required.
Prerequisites: BA 210, EC 202, and MA 231. Fall, Spring.
BA 400 International Strategic Issues (1)
A study of the international business organization as a device for
mobilizing people and resources to accomplish organizational
objectives. Major topics include strategy formulation and
implementation in a global environment with particular attention
to organizational leadership, role of culture, and ethical and socially
responsible decision making (a Leadership Studies designated course).
Prerequisites: BA 320, 350, and 372. Fall, Spring.
BA 414 Investments (1)
A study of various financial instruments and investment theories.
The primary objective of this course is to develop analytical tools for
making investment decisions and to learn practical applications of
investment theory. These tools facilitate portfolio selection and the
relationship between risk and return. The application of these tools
leads to an understanding of stocks, bonds, options and mutual funds.
Also listed as EC 414.) Prerequisite: BA 372. Spring, every other year.