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PY 410 Senior Seminar: History and Systems of Psychology (1)
A study of the philosophical foundations and historical development
of the major theories and research areas of psychology. Classic studies
in psychology, as well as the lives of major figures in the field, are also
discussed. Prerequisites: PY 101, 204, 304, psychology or biology-
psychology major, and consent.
PY 417 Senior Seminar: Research in Psychology (1)
Involvement of the student (alone or with other students) in the
development and execution of a research project. Topics of research
vary according to the interests of the student and the professor. The
project typically requires the student to write a research report in APA
style. Prerequisites: PY 101, 204, 304, psychology or biology-psychology
major, and consent.
PY 450 Senior Seminar: Advanced Topics in Psychology (1)
An in-depth exploration of contemporary research on selected topics.
Topics vary according to the instructor’s interests. May be repeated
for credit when the focus is different. Prerequisites: PY 101, 204, 304,
psychology or biology-psychology major, and consent.