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EH 425 Introduction to Performance Theory: Liveness, Media, Spectacle,
and Ritual (1)
A theoretical study of performance and performativity in live
events, texts, film, and media. This course gives particular attention
to questions of everyday performance related to gender and race,
as well as socio-cultural phenomena such as ritual, protest, and
politics. Interdisciplinary theoretical perspectives from the fields of
anthropology, sociology, theatre, media and film studies, and race,
gender, and sexuality studies scaffold our research and discussion.
Prerequisite: three 300-level courses, or instructor consent for MFS and
theatre majors. (Category 5)
EH 459 Methods of Literary Interpretation (1)
Study and application of major methods of literary analysis.
Prerequisite: at least three 300-level literature courses, one of which
must be EH 300. (Category 5)
EH 470, 471, 472 Senior Seminar (1)
Advanced study of selected topics within a specific area of language or
literature. Students may enroll for a second seminar on a separate topic
as one of their electives. Prerequisites: EH 300 and senior standing.